For Use Under Extreme Conditions

To ensure optimal healing of implants after orthopaedic surgery, manufacturers use special procedures to treat their surfaces. Among other things, implants are equipped with a special rough and porous coating. Tis coating facilitates the attachment of bone cell deposits, which fosters a permanent bond between the bone and implant in the body. In addition to the aforementioned coating, DOT GmbH medical implant solutions provides a wide range of innovative surfaces, making it one of the leading suppliers in the field of medical coating technology for orthopaedic and dental implants. Te company relies on both the technological know-how of its employees and the quality of HELUKABEL products. Its so-called vacuum plasma spraying systems are fitted with HELUTHERM® 145 MULTI-C control cables that control the 6-axis robots used to apply porous coating to the metal implants. The HELUKABEL cables demonstrate their fitness for the job by coping with conditions such as high UV radiation from the plasma flame, temperatures of up to 130°C (266°F), and constant changes between atmospheric pressure and vacuum conditions. To date, HELUKABEL products have been used in two systems at DOT GmbH medical implant solutions. A third one is in the pipeline.