Here you can find some of our drag chains



Standard Drag Chain for handling and conveying technology, paper and textile machines

- Simple and easy opening mechanism on both sides
- Usable without connection element
- Variable interior separation
- Dividers can be quickly interchanged
- High torsional rigidity



Variable Drag Chain for handling technology, machine tools and woodworking machines

- Locking bar for more stability with high tigtening forces
- Quick and easy assembly and disassembly
- Easy to shorten and extend
- Optional multi-band solution for higher stability
- Mounting bar for larger media hoses



Robust Drag Chain for Machine tools, handling technology, conveyor and lifting technology

- Form-fitting locking bar for highest stability
- Quick and easy assembly and disassembly of the bars
- Up to 1,000 mm bar length
- Long movement distances



Self-supporting Drag Chain for Machine tools, handling technology, conveyor and lifting technology, steelworks, drilling industry

- Available in steel, stainless steel and hardened versions
- Large self-supporting lengths and high filling weights possible
- Bar partitioning in many versions
- Easy to shorten and extend
- Hinge mechanism protected by cover plates



Largest and Most Resilient Drag Chain for Rolling mills, offshore plants, large machine tools

- Extra high stability
- Large self-supporting lengths up to 18 m at high cable volumes
- Variable intererior design
- Bar lengths up to 1,200 mm possible
- Also available in stainless steel and customised versions



Fully Enclosed Steel Drag Chain for Machine tools and special machines with short travel distances and low number of strokes

- Closed steel jacket with retracted spring steel profile
- Large usable cross sections with small external dimensions
- Optimum cable protection
- Various connection options available
- Ideal hot metal chips, weld spatter or flying sparks